Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day Four.

30 Day Challenge
Day o4.
Your Favorite Book

Post Secret
by Anyone in the whole world.
Collected by Frank Warren

Imagine having secret or a thought, something you really wanted to say and let EVERYONE know but was too afraid to do so. Post Secret allows everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to spill their secrets on a postcard which they design themselves and send it off and gets published in either the blog or the book. There you go, your secret really hasn't gone anywhere but at the same time, the whole world can see and they'll never know who it is.

The Post Secret books contains all the designed postcards. When Frank Warren came up with the concept, he didn't put any limitations to the content of the card. Whether it be something related with fear, death, sex, criminal acts, secret desires, hopes and dreams and anything they are embarrassed about, it'll be heard. The only thing they ask for is that its honest, a real secret that no one knows about.

If you want to send a postcard, send it to the address on their book cover (displayed above).

- A sample of someone's entry.

- Jazmine xx

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